
Gender bender!

“Hello and welcome to 2050.  Today we’re going to talk about the plight of Bunty Saxena, who was brutally beaten by a gang of 4 girls in the outskirts of city for not standing and giving them seat in a local bus. The number of crimes against men are increasing day by day. The NGO’s working for men welfare have been outraged by these incidences and there is a far outcry among males to protect their rights.”

Are you bewildered reading my above lines? Well this scenario could be true if we will continue to make one section of our society (women) privileged over the other (men).We all celebrate International Women’s day on 8th March every year but did we ever care to celebrate International Men’s day on November,19th? Talking about the rights of women or talking about the rights of men is not equality and its not feminism either.

Feminism is about equality of sexes. Are we promoting equality by reserving seats for women in public transport? Are we promoting equality when we ask for a man’s salary before marrying our daughter to him? Are we promoting equality when a girl’s thinking that her spouse’s salary should be more than hers is justified? Are we promoting equality when only daughter-in-law is asked to bring in dowry and not the son-in-law? Are we promoting equality when a boyfriend/husband is encouraged to pay our bills? Is there any equality when females have the liberty to cry and males can’t cry because they’ll be tagged sissy? No. We’re not.

Who is Shiva without Shakti? Similarly, Shakti is nothing without Shiva. It is rightly said that males and females complete each other and this world would be incomplete without anyone of them.


So what can we do now? I urge men to stand by women, respect them, and treat them with dignity. I urge women to support men, respect them,  let them cry if they want to without classifying it as feminine. I urge everyone to dissolve this believe that anyone ( either male or female) is inferior over another. Men should protect women from male chauvinists and women should protect men from feminazis.

This can lead us to live in a world of equality, a world of feminism. 🙂

9 thoughts on “Gender bender!”

    1. Thank you so much. 🙂
      There is patriarchy in India to a great extent. But things are changing oflate. Our government is taking all the measures to bring equality between the sexes. I appreciate their efforts. But my concerns are not giving too much privilege to women and moving away from the concept of equality.

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